10 Ways to Protect Endangered Animals

If you haven’t already read it, then please go through this post: Endangered Animals: We are Responsible

"We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our own little comfortable ways, contributes daily to that destruction. It's time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves."- Quote by actor, environmental supporter, Ed Asner

As we “happen to be” the best creature of the world, it’s our duty to look after (at least not destroy) other species. I am writing down some points which might help to preserve the wildlife and help the endangered species.

10 ways to protect endangered animals panda bear
1. Organizations like Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund have dedicated themselves to preserve the earth and its ecology. Many volunteers join organizations like these and work for the environment. You can find some international/local organizations like these and join them.

2. Boycott fur coats and medicines made from rare animals. Boycott ornaments made from ivory and staff like this. Baby seals are murdered for their skin, as it is used to make expensive coats- don’t bye them.

3. Raise your voice against this injustice. Peaceful protest, human chain, petition and rally are some ways to do it. You can also write a heart felt and logical letter to the government stating your ideas about this issue and how it can be solved. Like I wrote a post about African Lion Burgers which are being sold in Arizona.
10 ways to protect endangered animals no fur
4. Try to raise awareness amongst your local people. Apart from face to face interaction, the best way to do so is blogging. Blog about endangered animals and what we can do to help them. If you have posts like this, then please write about it in the comment section.

5. Recycle and reuse. It will reduce the need to have more raw materials to produce something. As a result a lot of trees will be spared and wild animals’ habitat will be undisturbed.

6. Governments should come forward to create more safe zones and national parks for wild animals where they will be able to move freely without worrying about hunters and poachers. Governments should apply strict laws to stop poaching.

7. You can make a little room for your wild neighbors. Like, you can build a bird house and feed local birds.

8. Like I always say, PLANT A TREE.

9. Stop hunting for pleasure.

10. Donate money or trees to different non-profit organizations which work to protect the wildlife. You can donate money to Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund etc. You can gift trees from Arbor Day Foundation.

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  1. when i was in school, i had a little black diary in which i had written down the names of endangered animals and would make my friends read it and discuss how we could change the fact. in university i found friends who were all for eco friendlyness. I still carry my trash in my bag, and throw it in the waste when i reach home instead of throwing it in the street like many of our city dwellers. I got my friends to the habit too.
    but sadly so i had lost faith in our younger generations to follow in our footsteps. but you just changed my beliefs. thank you irtiza...your posts rock.

  2. I'm barely impress on you express your love and interest regards on how we help our endangered species of animals...

  3. @Noshin, i am havy happy to hear that you do so much to raise awareness and protect the environment. just to let you know, i also carry "trash (wrappers, papers)" in my pocket and dump them in trash cans. thanks for your compliment.

    @mrniceguy, Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again. :D

  4. I definitely agree with your points.

    Now we endanger rare species, then maybe sometime earth will treat us like them. Our environment geting worst and worst nowadays this just because of one species : human.

    Earth need more responsible & environment friendly persons.

  5. @rsandz, we must put our best effort to change the direction we are headed...


  6. these are wonderful efforts geared towards protecting endangered animals. let's all do our share and help these species live longer! the simple act of recycling to help save trees, or keeping our oceans and lakes clean by not throwing trash, these will be big things toward ensuring that the animals have a natural habitat where they can grow.

  7. @Wholesale Printing, Thanks for your words... :)

  8. People should really take this stuff seriously, and we all need to do what we can why we can for the future people of this world.

  9. don't ever buy the product of animals as these are good friends of us . we should plant a tree every year . we should not spend our on useless items and always we should spend our money on protecting our wildlife as well as on oue beautiful environment.people who are opening this site please take care of these things seriously or you may be suffer it for the future.

  10. Dear Anonymous, I really appreciate your valuable words. I wish if everyone of us thought this way, the world would definitely be a better place.

  11. heal the world, make it a better place. haha

  12. i totaly agree with all of you guys.
    but i think that the construction in the neighborhoods are to much. they may be scaring off the animals.

  13. I actually started a Endangered Animals group at school. I have lots of people wanting to join!

  14. keep going for a better feature full of hope and actions

  15. i have a project for english that i have to do and this was the perfect website

  16. I hope all people do these to save the animals.

  17. i really do agree with that and that is so true.

  18. I would love to help!

  19. it's time to react especially against poachers

  20. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

  21. it is important to be aware about it.DON'T DESTROY THE WORLD

  22. i agree with all of you. im doing a project about the endangered "spirit" bear and i need help. anybody? thx xD

  23. I am doing a project about how to help endangered animals

  24. no matter how much facts you put up i dont think yull be able to change those crule peoples minds

  25. all of us have to do this things.it will be very nice

  26. thank u very muchhhhhhhhh
