What are You Grateful for Today?

It has been raining for 3 days now. It’s really chilly and windy outside. So I guess the winter is finally here. I don’t know why but every year winter seems to come with this kind of rain.

It’s really hard to go outside in this weather. I am really fortunate to have a solid roof over my head. At least I have the warmth of my home to come to. But what about the millions of people who are spending their lives in streets? I wonder what they are doing now.

Sometimes a little comparison is necessary to be content, to be grateful. My fellow blogger Ann asked me “What are you grateful for today?” That day I couldn’t answer this question right away.

Today the answer could be something like this-
1. I don’t have to spend the night outside in the cold.
2. I don’t have to get wet as I have a roof over my head.
3. I won’t have to go to bed with an empty belly.
4. I can cover myself with a clean blanket.
5. If I still need another blanket I can fetch one from the locker.

Dear readers, what are you grateful for today?

Related Post:
A Little Comparison
Let’s Open Our Eyes


  1. good blog...but its bad how long its taking me to think of something im grateful for

  2. the people who love me unconditionally

  3. 1. that I have a job
    2. that i am generally healthy
    3. that I have coffee
    4. that I have my beau in my life
    5. that I have a coat to put on in this cold

    6. (bonus) that I found your blog to make me think of these things) I need it this morning.

    I could go on...as I am always grateful!!

  4. Shirl thanks for your time. hope to see you again.

    BWABM, thank you so much.especially for the bonus point.


  5. I think many of us need to pause from time to time and remind ourselves of how much we have to be grateful for. I got into a habit of 'saying my gratefuls' early in my recovery from heroin addiction and it is a practice I have never strayed from. I find it keeps me focused and humble. Thank you for the great reminder!


  6. you are welcome melinda. thanks for sharing

  7. What I am grateful for today:
    1. A day without rain
    2. Almost being finished with my new blog template.
    3. Great friends
    4. Reservations are made at a B&B in Switzerland for this weekend.
    5. This post to remind me to think what I am grateful for.

  8. That I have food to eat
    That despite all the gloom, I still can look up and smile

  9. I am grateful for my wife, my children and grandchildren.
    I am grateful for who I am becoming.
    I am grateful for my friends.
    I am grateful that my creator loves me despite my faults.
    I am grateful for people who create blogs like this so that others can share things that benefit others.

  10. ann, motivator, pastor- thanks so much for sharing. the credit goes to ANN www.amborg.blogspot.com for this post. because it was mainly her idea.

    thanks ann

  11. I am grateful for every new daywith my Mom
